Sleepy Hollow High School, No. Tarrytown NY, The Year '85

(Thanks to SHHS photographer Lisa Ballarino.)



This web page has received input from
SHHS alumni, including one or more
in attendance during 1985. It has no
formal connection to the Class of 1985.



Tears for Fears:



Wants To Rule

The World"





Click on the title above;

enjoy this unusual per-

formance; combining

new wave with a brass

section, for back-up.




The SHHS event best known as
It started back in 1972, when the new
principal, Dr. Di Palermo, proposed a
one-or-two day alternative festival: to
occur late in the spring, when most
sports were over, and students had
nothing much to bring them together.
The event--dubbed either Joy Day or
Days--was to continue through 1978.
Soon after the event had finished for a
particular school year, students were
encouraged to start settling down for
finals. But by the end of the 1970s, Joy
Days had gotten a little too wild, even
for Dr. Di Palermo's tastes. Reportedly,
one teacher annually discussed betting
"odds" with students. Also, too many
students were simply skipping the
event, as attendance was never taken.
Thus, it formally came to an end. In
the 1980s. however, something similar
(dubbed Hollowstock) followed, after
a change in principals. For certain
of these 1980s events, the campus
remained the setting. Other years,
Hollowstock was held out on the
football field (as pictured at the top).




Have you ever heard


of the 1985 film named:


"Creepers" ?


To see a film sample, touch


or click on its name above


(an Italian film, known in


Europe as--Phenomena ).



Who remembers

these Class of

1985 officers

(Junior year)?



Sue Pell


Karen Carlini


Madeline Sullivan


Eleanor Trapasso




We bet Madeline (or


some of her class-


mates) are doing status


updates on Facebook!



















(These are public Facebook URLs;

NO Facebook sign-in is necessary.)



If a box appears,

touch or click the

'X' to see info.


If you aren't a Face-

book member & using a

phone, may I suggest

using the FIREFOX

browser when viewing

these Class pages?

(It works for me!)


If a request appears--

to open another app--

hit the cancel button.





To join this group,
sign-on to Facebook
& type-in this URL:




Do you remember

The Drift Inn ?

(Touch or click on the link
above--to be reminded.)




Now Our




English Teacher


Mrs. Janet



M.S., Purdue Univ.



 (Pictured in 1985–


the very year her 1st


novel was published!)









May 31, 1985


Not yet graduation day--


but it just happened to


be the 20th birthday


of Our Miss Brooke






Soon enough, Brooke discovered that

the brand Calvin Klein's wasn't the

only pair of jeans in town, & that

there were other twenty-some-

things on the horizon--who could

fill out a pair--as well as she had!




Click on the photo above, then watch

her new competitor show off some

dance moves in a commercial for

Guess Jeans!



P.S.: Gotta love Brooke!


Watch one of her (real) commercials!





See more Tarrytown

& NT photos on the


Landing Page



Touch or click--above--or









Tops in cinemas in 1985


 was Back to the Future.





The most popular TV


series was Dynasty.




(Back to SHHS '80s)

